However, not all glucose is converted into energy. For diabetes, the insulin is working to control excess sugar in the blood that is not functioning properly. This will cause the the accumulation of sugar which produces hyperglycemia because there is sugar in the urine.
Therefore, people with diabetes are advised by nutritionists to reduce sugar and fat or reduced sugar. Reducing carbohydrates and fats are not preferred by some patients who can not afford to confinement because of all the food they eat does not have the 'taste'.
Many diabetics do not take cognizance and taking it easy on the diabetic diet is very important to control blood glucose levels and prevent the loss of glucose in their urine. Apart from that, a balanced food intake will be able to maintain appropriate weight for height and age, maintaining adequate calories for daily activities and most importantly, it will delay or prevent diabetic complications such as foot cut.
In this case, patients need to understand three important things which is what they want to eat, when to eat and the amount of food that should be eaten to provide a positive and lasting impact. There are three groups of foods for diabetics that is what food should they avoid, types of foods should be limited, and what foods they can eat.
The food they should be avoid.
This is not just limited to cane sugar, caster sugar, brown sugar and honey, but including any hidden sugars found in packaged food products. Diabetics should read the contents of the ingredients listed on the product label and be aware of any sugar-based materials such as maltose, sucrose and fructose than sugar found in sauce and soy sauce.
The food should be-limited.
Foods containing complex carbohydrates can be taken but in moderation.
This is because the food will be digested and absorbed slowly and will not cause an increase in blood sugar levels increase dramatically. Thus, food intake in this group should be distributed throughout the day, not eaten all together with a lot.
Among them are rice, cereals, cookies, nuts, milk, pasta, all kinds of noodles, all kinds of flour, all kinds of tubers, fruits and juices and starchy vegetables such as pumpkins, corn and cocoa powder.
Food that can be eaten by diabetics.
These include water , mineral water, coffee and tea , barley water , lime juice, vegetables, salad , vinegar , broth , curry powder , cayenne , herbs , soy sauce, and salt .
Fiber is also available in the form of soluble ( dissolves in water - absorption of nutrients) and insoluble fiber ( can not be digested by the digestive system, but help prevent constipation ) .
Insoluble fiber can be taken in an effort to lose weight because it fills . Intake of soluble fiber will help slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Examples of foods that contain fiber are vegetables, salads , fruits , legumes, cereals , breakfast cereals , corn and pasta . Protein is also available from grains ( bread , rice , pasta , flour and soy ) or from animal sources ( meat , fish , eggs , poultry and dairy products) . This should be taken into account in planning your daily diet of diabetics .
Besides keeping the diet, diabetics are encouraged to do light exercise every day such as jogging, walking , down the stairs or gardening helps to reduce blood sugar. In addition, they should always check the sugar control either themselves or reach a doctor at a nearby hospital.