Good nutrition for women of all ages.

Good nutrition for women of all ages

Good nutrition starts with the basics: a well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein. These kinds of foods provide women with plenty of energy, the means for lifelong weight control, and the key ingredients for looking and feeling great at any age.

Top diet and nutrition tips for women 

  • Focus on whole, plant-based foods. Fill most of your plate with fruits and leafy green vegetables. Also include a variety of whole grains, beans, and legumes to give you filling fiber and keep you going throughout the day. Try to find minimally processed or locally grown foods whenever possible and make these foods the mainstay of your diet.
  • Bone up on calcium. Women are at a greater risk than men of developing osteoporosis, so it’s important to get plenty of calcium to support your bone health. While dairy products are high in calcium, their animal fat and protein can accelerate bone loss. So also consider plant-based sources of calcium like beans, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens.
  • Don’t eat too much protein. Protein is an essential part of any healthy diet, but eating too much animal-based protein—such as the levels recommended in many low-carb, high-protein diets—is particularly dangerous for women. Eating lots of protein causes calcium loss. Over time, this could lead to a decrease in bone density and osteoporosis.
  • Make sure you get enough iron. Many women don’t get enough iron in their diet. On top of that, women lose a lot of this important mineral during menstruation. Boost your intake by eating iron-rich foods such as lean red meat, dark poultry, lentils, spinach, almonds, and iron-fortified cereals.
  • Cut back on alcohol and caffeine. Women who have more than two alcoholic drinks a day are at higher risk of osteoporosis. Caffeine consumption interferes with hormone levels and also increases the loss of calcium. Try to limit alcohol consumption to one glass a day and caffeine to one cup a day.
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Diabetes Diet.

For people with diabetes, food intake is an important factor to control blood sugar levels. This is because diabetes is caused by the weakening of the body digesting carbohydrates. In the process of metabolism, carbohydrates are processed into sugar (glucose) and converted into energy.

However, not all glucose is converted into energy. For diabetes, the insulin is working to control excess sugar in the blood that is not functioning properly. This will cause the the accumulation of sugar which produces hyperglycemia because there is sugar in the urine.

Therefore, people with diabetes are advised by nutritionists to reduce sugar and fat or reduced sugar. Reducing carbohydrates and fats are not preferred by some patients who can not afford to confinement because of all the food they eat does not have the 'taste'.

Many diabetics do not take cognizance and taking it easy on the diabetic diet is very important to control blood glucose levels and prevent the loss of glucose in their urine. Apart from that, a balanced food intake will be able to maintain appropriate weight for height and age, maintaining adequate calories for daily activities and most importantly, it will delay or prevent diabetic complications such as foot cut.

In this case, patients need to understand three important things which is what they want to eat, when to eat and the amount of food that should be eaten to provide a positive and lasting impact. There are three groups of foods for diabetics that is what food should they avoid, types of foods should be limited, and what foods they can eat.

The food  they should be avoid.

This is not just limited to cane sugar, caster sugar, brown sugar and honey, but including any hidden sugars found in packaged food products. Diabetics should read the contents of the ingredients listed on the product label and be aware of any sugar-based materials such as maltose, sucrose and fructose than sugar found in sauce and soy sauce.
This is because the food or drink containing simple sugars will raise the level of sugar in the blood at a higher rate. This includes white sugar, brown sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, sweets, syrups, pickles, candy, confectionery sweet, condensed milk, canned fruit, soft drinks, chocolate, jam (except special jam diabetic patients) and all the food is coated with sugar.

The food should be-limited.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates can be taken but in moderation.
This is because the food will be digested and absorbed slowly and will not cause an increase in blood sugar levels increase dramatically. Thus, food intake in this group should be distributed throughout the day, not eaten all together with a lot.

Among them are rice, cereals, cookies, nuts, milk, pasta, all kinds of noodles, all kinds of flour, all kinds of tubers, fruits and juices and starchy vegetables such as pumpkins, corn and cocoa powder.

Food that can be eaten by diabetics.

These include water , mineral water, coffee and tea , barley water , lime juice, vegetables, salad , vinegar , broth , curry powder , cayenne , herbs , soy sauce, and salt .

Fiber is also available in the form of soluble ( dissolves in water - absorption of nutrients) and insoluble fiber ( can not be digested by the digestive system, but help prevent constipation ) .

Insoluble fiber can be taken in an effort to lose weight because it fills . Intake of soluble fiber will help slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Examples of foods that contain fiber are vegetables, salads , fruits , legumes, cereals , breakfast cereals , corn and pasta . Protein is also available from grains ( bread , rice , pasta , flour and soy ) or from animal sources ( meat , fish , eggs , poultry and dairy products) . This should be taken into account in planning your daily diet of diabetics .

Besides keeping the diet, diabetics are encouraged to do light exercise every day such as jogging, walking , down the stairs or gardening helps to reduce blood sugar. In addition, they should always check the sugar control either themselves or reach a doctor at a nearby hospital.

Easy Way To Lose Weight Fast For Women

How simple and easy way for women to lose weight. A study was conducted to find out what exercises are the most effective and easy for the women who want to lose weight.

So scientists were divided into 3 groups of women who will carry out different exercises and simple .

This exercise program made ​​no restrictions on the diet they have taken .

1- The first group will make walking exercise .

2- The second group will do static cycling exercise.

3- The third group swimming.

After 6 months, a group of women who walk alone showed a weight loss of 10%.For the static cycling women showed a weight loss of 12% and a third group who swim do not show any weight loss.

In conclusion , for women who want to lose weight activities such as walking (jogging is recommended) and cycling is a great way for women to lose weight quickly .

For women who want to lose their weight easily and quickly can try these tips.

4 best meals for women.
Buffalo meat-
Because of period bleeding every month, women will feel more weaker than men. During this process, the content of iron in the blood of women will decrease. It will cause a woman to get very badly depleted. And to get the amount of iron needed, buffalo meat is an excellent source. Buffalo meat is lean best diet for women. It can help to increase energy and lose weight.

Papaya Fruit-
Papaya fruit has 2 times more vitamin C than oranges. It can help to prevent gallbladder disease, which generally strikes women more than men. After analyzing the blood of more than 13,000 women, scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, found that women who have low levels of vitamin C are more likely to have gallbladder disease. A medium-sized papaya (about ten ounces) contains 188 mg of vitamin C and only 119 calories, it is a great source of vitamins.

This food contains a high content of soy protein, can help to minimize the effects of despair, strengthen bones and lower cholesterol. Chemical substances found in soy called isoflavones have structures similar to estrogen. It is a substance that helps to strengthen bones. Apart from that, the content of 50-76 mg isoflavones may help to reduce the effects of despair. Half a cup of tofu contains about 25 to 35 mg of isoflavones.

Green vegetables-
These vegetables can help prevent osteoporosis, which affects many women at the end of his life. In addition to the amount of calcium and vitamin D are complete, some studies show that vitamin K also gives protection to the bone as well. Based on the results of a study on women, researchers found that women who eat enough vitamin K (minimum of 109 micrograms of the vitamin daily) were 30 percent less likely to suffer broken hip bone during ten years compared to women who did not eat it. Researchers showed that plenty of dark green leafy vegetables such as mustard greens, spinach, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins.

Balanced Diet Plans.

A balanced diet is a meal that contains all the nutrients needed by the body with the right amount. The nutrients which needed by the body are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

i) Age

Infants, teenagers, adults and the elderly require a different diet than children.

ii) Health

Different patients require a specific diet with healthy people.

iii) Activities

Active teens need more calories than teens whose activities are passive.

iv) The size of the body

Large body size usually requires a different diet than a smaller body size.

v) Gender

Young men need more calories than girls because they are more active.

Basic Principles of Balanced Diet

A balanced diet should be practiced with the preferred fiber intake and reduce the intake of fatty foods and high berkolestrol. A balanced diet can also be designed based on the food pyramid, which is the basic guidelines in choosing healthy foods.

Healthy Eating Habits. Practice healthy eating habits will ensure the health of the body by reducing food intake as

a) Sugar - causes tooth decay and obesity

b) Salt - causing high blood pressure

c) Fat - causes heart disease and obesity

- Eat lots of fiber foods, fruits and vegetables to supply the vitamins and mineral salts.
- Drinking enough water and chew your food well.
- Packed in a timely manner.
- Must take the main dish of breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Teenagers need a food source that provides energy because they are more active.

    The best way to get rid of your belly fat.

    For those of you who want to get rid of belly fat, here are some of the ways - the ways that you can try.

    First way: Increase your metobolism rate.

    High metabolism rates will stimulate fat burning very quickly. In the same time, your belly fat will disappear slowly if you keep metabolism rate high on a daily basis. To increase your metobolism rate is to eat fiber and exercise.

     The second way: Eating more fiber.

    In the menu of your diet, make sure you have fiber menus. Fiber is known as a diet menu that can increase fat burning in your body. Some of the foods that are fiber are all kinds of vegetables and fruits that can be eaten skin.

    The third way: Doing exercise.

    Doing exercises every day can help your muscles to grow and improve. The more muscles - the muscles are fresh in your body, the more fat - fat will be burned.

    Do exercises on a daily basis and you will be able to see the results after just two weeks in which your stomach flatter than it is now.

    The fourth way: Drink enough water every day.

    To ensure that your body is constantly removing fats were burnt if you try the first method until the third way, you should drink plenty of water.

    Enough water will help remove all the dirt on the body and it will facilitate the process of fat burning occurs.

    The fifth way: Reduce calorie intake.

    You must reduce calorie intake if you want to rid belly fat. Stop eating foods that are fatty, oily and has a lot of calories. Try to eat just a little.

    Schedule exercise and diet for 7 days to lose your weight.

    Workout plan for 7 days for those who want to lose weight. Eating healthy food is not enough, you also need to exercise to lose weight.

    First Day1 .

    Brisk walking and speed for 20 minutes. You can also use your treadmill if you have one. If not , walk around your block or in the park. Try using a pedometer to track the distance you have walked .In the weeks to 2 or 3 , you are definitely familiar brisk walking . So try to improve your running speed and also extend the period of time you walk . To start , try to walk for 30 minutes. If you use a treadmill , repeat exercise brisk walking and jogging for 45 minutes .

    Day Two - Strength Training

    Now it is time for you to undergo some strength training. Before that , make sure you warm up for about 5 to 10 minutes and then try to do some stretching exercises to stretch the muscles .

    For strength training, you can do exercise bands or dumbbells training . Both of these exercises will give you the resistance you need for strength training exercises .

    You can also start with lifting weights if you have the right equipment or have an experienced trainer to help you exercise. If no trainer you may be injured.

    If you recently undergone strength training, select 2 to 3 muscles in the upper body to begin. Make 1 or 2 sets of 8 to 16 repetitions. Upper body muscles including the biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest and upper back.

    Third Day - Relax

    But if you want to do simple exercises you can do aerobics or walking for 15 30 minutes .

    Fourth Day - Aerobics

    Try to do aerobic exercise for 20 minutes. You can do activities such as walking or jogging for 20 minutes, but if you want some changes , try to add something different at the end of exercise.

    As usual, after you do a good aerobic workout , do not forget to cool down and then stretch your muscles.Use a calorie calculator to find out how many calories you burned during the workout .

    Day Five - Strength Training

    Follow the same guidelines as the second day , but try to choose different muscles during exercise .

    Sixth Day

    Try to do cardio exercise for 30 minutes for a brisk walk / run, 30 minutes of cycling .

    Seventh Day - Relax

    Okay , you've already finished the first week of your workout . Time for you to start all over again the next week . Try to add more time for aerobic exercises and more sets or repetitions to your strength training .

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